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Events & Opportunities


Join our BAC professional academic advisors at one-hour workshops for Fall 2024 first year or undeclared lower division transfer admits.

  • No pre-registration required--you can simply show up!
  • Summer workshops will be held on Zoom.


Building a Fall 2024 Schedule Workshops

Fall 2024 first years and undeclared lower division transfers:  join the BAC team for a demonstration on Zoom of using various web resources to identify your required first semester classes, plan first choices as well as alternates, build your Fall 2024 class schedule, and get ready to register at your assigned time between Mon. June 24 - Thurs. June 27.

At UC Merced, you will choose and register for your classes each semester.  Don't know where to start?  Each of our 9 workshops between June 4-20 will focus on building a Fall 2024 class schedule for students intending a major in a specific School (SOE, SNS, or SSHA).

Undeclared or exploring different majors?  Unable to attend a certain workshop due to your schedule?  All first years are welcome to attend any workshop!

Missed or couldn't attend the workshops?  See recordings:


Next Steps and Course Registration Overview Webinar

Wondering how to use the online registration system at UC Merced?  Join the Office of the Registrar team on June 18 for tips on navigating the registration system so you are ready to register for Fall 2024 classes at your assigned time between Mon. June 24 - Thurs. June 27.

Missed or couldn't attend the webinar?  See recording:




Fall 2024 Planning and Preparation

Did you know that the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes is available and your registration time has been posted on MyRegistration as of Monday, March 4?  Or that current UCM students will have assigned Fall 2024 registration times between Monday, April 1 to Friday, April 19?

Attend this workshop for registration tips and ideas about preparing for Fall 2024, meeting the Normal Progress Policy for all students, and easy ways to use the different tools in MyDegreePath (MDP) to track your graduation progress and plan courses to fit your intended major and degree.  The best way to get the classes you need:  prepare in advance and be ready to enroll in 12-16 units at your assigned time to trigger full-time status (needed for financial aid)!  Remember that waitlisted units do NOT count toward full-time status.  Hear from a BAC peer advisor about their experience as a student navigating MDP.


Ask Anything About Exploring or Changing Majors or Minors

Are you a first year or continuing undeclared student considering different majors and minors?  Learn about campus resources to help you research careers, understand major requirements and declaration criteria, and develop skill-building techniques for career preparation.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Student Career Center.


Summer Planning:  Classes Outside of UC Merced

Are you planning to take summer classes at another college to get ahead?  Attend this workshop for general advice from a BAC peer advisor on taking summer courses at a California community college or another 4-year school.  Includes an introduction to summer planning tools, including ASSIST and Transferology


Thriving After the First Semester:  Opportunities for Campus Involvement

Join our BAC academic advising team for an interactive workshop to assist you in building a personalized interest map as you consider future campus involvement opportunities while completing your academic journey at UC Merced!  We will cover the five "W's" of getting involved (who, what, when, where, why) and how these may impact your future academic, personal, or professional goals.  You are highly encouraged to bring your laptop or tablet with internet connectivity since there will be a web search activity during the workshop.


Academic Success for First Years who Identify as Southeast Asian

Are you a first year wondering how to reach your academic goals while also embracing your Southeast Asian identity?  This workshop will be an opportunity to tune in and explore your first year college experience as an Asian American at a prestigious research university.  Topics include belonging on campus, cultural identity, engaging with campus resources, impostor syndrome, and managing family obligations as you embark on your journey as a successful scholar.  This workshop will be presented by a BAC professional academic advisor who identifies as a first generation Hmong American.


Communication:  A Key to Academic Success

Need help, but too anxious to ask?  Join this workshop to learn the importance and impact of communication on your academic success.  Includes information on how to overcome communication barriers when asking for academic support, interacting with professors and other key people at a research university, and drafting professional emails.


Cultural Adjustments for First Year Students

Are you a first year who grew up in another country or have parents who grew up in another country?  Learn about common academic challenges that bicultural first years often face in their first semesters at a research university--and get tips to help you create your path to an academically successful first year!  This workshop will be presented by a BAC professional academic advisor who grew up in another country, attended high school, college, and graduate school in the United States, and identifies as a first generation tricultural university professional.


Let's Prepare for a Successful Semester Together

Are you ready for a fresh start in spring semester?  Join a professional BAC academic advisor to explore effective academic habits that include S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, study skills, and connecting with useful academic and personal resources.  This space will provide an opportunity to work on your personal academic goals and get off to a great start!


Summer 2024 Planning is in the Air

Are you planning to take summer classes to get ahead?  Attend this workshop for general advice from a BAC peer advisor on taking summer courses at UC Merced, California community colleges, or other 4-year schools.  Includes an introduction to summer planning tools.


Exploring or Changing Majors/Minors

Are you a first year or continuing undeclared student considering different majors and minors?  Learn about campus resources to help you research careers, understand major requirements and declaration criteria, and develop skill-building techniques for career preparation.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Student Career Center.


All You Need is MyDegreePath Planning Tips

Did you know that current UCM students will have assigned Summer Session registration times between February 20-23 and assigned registration times for Fall 2024 classes between April 1-19?  Learn about the purpose of MyDegreePath (MDP) and easy ways to use the different tools in MDP to track your graduation progress and plan for optional Summer 2024 as well as Fall 2024 classes.  The best way to get the classes you need:  prepare in advance and be ready to enroll in 12-16 units at your assigned time!  Hear from a BAC peer advisor about their experience as a student navigating MDP.


Study Abroad 101:  First Year Students

Are you a first year interested in studying abroad during your time at UC Merced?  Or wondering how you can take classes that count toward your degree and possibly use your financial aid toward an overseas experience?  Join us for an information session specifically for first years designed to help you begin to plan your study abroad adventure!  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and Study Abroad.


FALL 2023

Thriving After the First Semester:  Opportunities for Campus Involvement

Join our BAC academic advising team for an interactive workshop to assist you in building a personalized interest map as you consider future campus involvement opportunities while completing your academic journey at UC Merced!  We will cover the five "W's" of getting involved (who, what, when, where, why) and how these may impact your future academic, personal, or professional goals.  You are highly encouraged to bring your laptop or tablet with internet connectivity since there will be a web search activity during the workshop.


Plan Ahead:  MyDegreePath and Academic Tools--Spring 2024 Planning

Did you know that registration for Spring 2024 classes begins on October 30?  And that all current UCM students have an assigned registration date and time between October 30 - November 17?

Learn about the purpose of MyDegreePath (MDP) and easy ways to use the different tools in MDP to track your graduation progress and plan for Spring 2024 classes so you are ready to enroll in 12-16 units at your assigned time.  Hear from a BAC peer advisor about their experience as a student navigating MDP!


Exploring Careers, Majors, and Minors for First Year Students

Are you a first year student considering different majors and minors?  Learn about campus resources to help you research careers, understand major requirements, and develop skill-building techniques for career preparation.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Student Career Center.


Academic Success Strategies for First-Generation Students

As part of National First-Generation College Celebration Day on November 8, drop in for a workshop on academic success strategies for first-generation students.  BAC peer advisors will share how to connect with academic resources (including free tutoring centers), professors, academic advisors, and other resources to help you reach your goals.  BAC peer advisors will provide personal advice on how to navigate being the first person in your family to have the opportunity to attend a 4-year research university and how to talk about your academic experience with others (so you're ready for those questions from family and friends at Thanksgiving!).  General information about MyDegreePath and planning for Spring 2024 classes will also be shared so you are ready to enroll in 12-16 units at your assigned time.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Bright Success Center.


First Semester Success Strategies

Learn strategies and resources to be successful in your first semester at UC Merced.  Presented by a BAC peer advisor.


Food for Thought

Do you like food?  College students need fuel to thrive academically and personally at UC Merced!  Join us for an interactive session to learn about free resources (food, clothing, financial wellness) for both on-campus residents and off-campus commuter students.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and Basic Needs.  Free snacks provided!


Multilingual Student Success:  First-Year Student Participation Hacks

Are you a first year who speaks multiple languages and wonders how to best engage with professors or in class discussions in your first semester?  Learn how to use office hours to your advantage, write an email that will impress your professor, and participate in classes when you're not sure exactly what to do.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the English Language Institute.


The Exploration Maze:  Majors and Minors for Undeclared Continuing Students & Undeclared Lower DIvision Transfer Students

Are you a second or third year undeclared student or undeclared lower division transfer?  All students at UC Merced are expected to declare a major before reaching 60 units--and required to declare before reaching 90 units.  Learn about campus resources to help you research careers, understand the process of declaring a major when you are a second/third year or undeclared lower division transfer student, and develop skill-building strategies for career preparation.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Student Career Center.


Cultural Adjustment for First Years

Are you a first year who grew up in another country or have parents who grew up in another country?  Learn about common academic challenges that bicultural first years often face in their first semester at a research university--and get tips to help you create your path to an academically successful first year!  This workshop will be presented by a BAC professional academic advisor who grew up in another country, attended high school, college, and graduate school in the United States, and identifies as a first generation tricultural university professional.  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and the Office of International Affairs.


Study Abroad 101:  First Year Students

Are you a first year interested in studying abroad during your time at UC Merced?  Or wondering how you can take classes that count toward your degree and possibly use your financial aid toward an overseas experience?  Join us for an information session specifically for first years designed to help you begin to plan your study abroad adventure!  Offered in partnership by the Bobcat Advising Center and Study Abroad.


Academic Success for First Years who Identify as Southeast Asian

Are you a first year wondering how to reach your academic goals while also embracing your Southeast Asian identity?  This workshop will be an opportunity to tune in and explore your first year college experience as an Asian American at a prestigious research university.  Topics include belonging on campus, cultural identity, engaging with campus resources, impostor syndrome, and managing family obligations as you embark on your journey as a successful scholar.  This workshop will be presented by a BAC professional academic advisor who identifies as a first generation Hmong American.




Meet the BAC

Our BAC academic advising team will have a table outside Kolligian Library (KL) across from the Beginnings sculpture.  Stop by to introduce yourself and meet our BAC peer advisors and professional academic advisors!


ASCEND Student Experience:  Bobcat 101

The ASCEND Student Experience is a series of workshops designed to provide new first years and transfers with information to help you get off to the best start in your first semester.  Our BAC team will present three of the six Bobcat 101 workshops during ASCEND and will also be available at the end of those three presentations for quick academic advising questions.


Diving into Summer Preparation for Fall 2023

Are you a Fall 2023 first year or lower division undeclared transfer admit wondering what resources to review to prepare for your first semester?  Attend this 60-minute workshop with a BAC peer advisor to learn more about syllabi, how to buy books, find your classrooms, transportation in Merced, and much more.  No advance registration required--simply join us on Zoom!


Surfing the Waves:  Review of Class Planning Tools

Wondering how to effectively use UC Merced degree planning tools?  Attend this 60-minute workshop with a BAC peer advisor for tips on using our BAC website, MyDegreePath, the UC Merced Catalog, and CatCourses.  No advance registration required--simply join us on Zoom!