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How college courses taken in high school count

Many first years at UC Merced have taken transferable college classes during high school.

In general, transferable college classes with a C or higher grade completed in high school may:

  • Count as a specific class in your major and complete that major requirement
  • Exempt you from needing to take a preparatory class
  • Fulfill a certain General Education (GE) requirement
  • Allow you to take more advanced courses in that subject
  • Count as units toward the 120 units required for every UC Merced degree
  • Help you graduate sooner by reducing the number of courses needed at UC Merced



Recommended best practice:  request an official college transcript from every college you attended during high school be sent to UC Merced immediately after you submit your SIR (commit to attend UC Merced).

  • Official college transcripts are required for all college courses taken, including dual enrollment classes that appear on your high school transcript.

  • Sending your college transcripts as early as possible will allow the Office of the Registrar to begin to evaluate and post those completed courses on your UC Merced record.
    • This may help you qualify to take more advanced courses when you register for Fall 2024 classes between June 24-27, 2024.
  • Fall 2024 admit deadline to submit final official college transcripts:  July 1, 2024
    • If you are enrolled in a Summer 2024 class, you will need to send a second final official transcript to UC Merced by August 15, 2024.
  • If you have questions about college courses that you completed in high school, see your BAC temporary summer academic advisor in June 2024 during Zoom walk-in hours.




  • ASSIST is the official site that shows how California community college classes transfer to a UC or CSU.
  • On ASSIST, go to the Search Below for Articulation Agreements (middle) box.
    • Under Institution, select the California community college where you took classes in high school.
      • Under Agreements with Other Institutions, select University of California, Merced
        • Click View Agreements
  • In the left column, you can click to View Agreement by Major or Department
    • Select the major or department in which you took a class
    • Click View Agreement (PDF)
      • Hint:  select Department to check if you have completed one of the four preparatory classes at UC Merced:
        • CHEM 001, CSE 005, MATH 005, WRI 001
        • Because these classes are preparatory, they will not appear on any Major agreements





Use Transferology if you took classes during high school at any of the following:

  • Another University of California (UC) campus
  • California State University (CSU) school
  • Private college in California
  • 2-year college in another state (not in California)
  • 4-year school in another state (not in California)
  • 4-year school in another country



  • You must create a free account to use Transferology.
  • Transferology only shows classes that were taken by previous UC Merced students who then submitted those course syllabi and course descriptions for evaluation by UC Merced faculty.
    • If you took a course at a 4-year or out-of-state school that seems like it might be transferable (e.g., Introduction to Psychology, Calculus I, etc.) but you do not see it on Transferology, it simply means that no other UC Merced student took that course and submitted the course syllabus and course description for evaluation by UC Merced professors.

If you have questions about how college courses taken in high school count at UC Merced, connect with your BAC temporary summer academic advisor during Zoom walk-in hours starting in June 2024.