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Interactive 4-year plan: MyDegreePath

MyDegreePath (MDP) sample 4-year graduation plans for Fall 2024 admits are available as of June 2024.

  • Sample 4-year plans for each major are also included in the 2024-25 Catalog.
    • Select Academic Programs in the left column.
    • Select your intended major.
      • The sample 4-year graduation plan is located above the list of required courses in each major.



MyDegreePath (MDP) is the online tool that allows you to check what you have already completed toward your UC Merced major and degree as you plan your Fall 2024 classes.  You will continue to use MDP regularly to plan your classes for each semester.


NOTE:  planning your courses is only the first step before you register!

After you plan your courses on MDP, your next step will be to look at class times in the Schedule of Classes (open course list).

  • Use the Schedule of Classes to check open seats in classes and develop a schedule of your preferred class times.

  • Use your preferred class times to register for Fall 2024 classes at your assigned time between June 24-27, 2024.


Watch this short video for a demonstration on using MDP:



Step by step instructions for using MDP when plans become available for Fall 2024 admits:

Log on to your student portal.

  • On your My Merced home page, select the MyDegreePath icon.
    • Once you are on MyDegreePath, select the Plans tab at the top left.
    • Click on Create a New Plan and select your intended Major.
    • Name your plan, select the upcoming Term and Year (Fall 2024), then click Add Plan.


You have now reached the Plan Builder tool that includes both a recommended Roadmap (courses) for your major and a place where you can plan the courses you want to take each semester.

  • On the left side (Roadmap), you will see an outline of the recommended courses to take each semester.
    • This is your "roadmap" toward graduation.
    • The order in which these courses are listed is important.
    • The faculty (professors) in your major developed this recommended sequence.
  • You may need to take the courses listed in the first semester before you can take the courses in the second semester (or third semester).
    • Faculty may also have placed a course in a certain semester because it is only offered once a year.


  • Examples of required courses for Fall 2024 first years that are only offered once a year:
    • BIOE 001, CE 001, EE 001, and ME 001 are required in certain engineering majors.
      • These 1-unit classes are only offered in fall and reserved exclusively for first years.
      • If your engineering major requires one of these classes on the Roadmap, take it in Fall 2024.
    • ENGR 091 is required for all School of Engineering majors.
      • ENGR 091 is a 2-unit class, only offered in spring, and reserved exclusively for first years.
      • Plan to take ENGR 091 in Spring 2025.


On the right side (Plan Builder), you will be able to drag courses from the left side (Roadmap) to create a customized plan of the courses you hope to take in Fall 2024.

  • To add a course on Plan Builder (right side), click the green course title on the Roadmap (left side) and drag it onto the right side.
    • When you click the green course title on the left, a red box will appear around the class.
    • A blue box will appear on the semester on the Plan Builder (right side) and you will drag and drop the course onto Fall 2024.
      • The course will then be "planned" for Fall 2024.